The sinuses and beyond

19th Annual International Copenhagen Advanced FESS and Anterior Skull Base Dissection Course

We are pleased to announce the 19th Annual International Copenhagen Advanced FESS and Anterior Skull Base Dissection Course, which will be held on October 9-10th, 2025.

Please stay tuned for more information on registration, including when and how to sign up for the course.

Empowering knowledge and skills in the field of rhinology and anterior skull base. Through our hands-on dissection course, we aim to improve your skills and knowledge in the field of endoscopic sinus – and anterior skull base surgery.

2-day dissection course. Fresh-frozen cadavers. Over 10 hours of dissection.

For the 2023 Welcome Folder and Program – please find attached below


Please find the welcome folder on the link below


Detailed program for the dissection course


Course director

Christian von Buchwald (CvB)

MD, DMSc., Professor
Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery and Audiology, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark*

Faculty – In progress